Thursday 4 April 2013

Power of Appreciation

What is stopping you to appreciate others?


Let me ask you this - In a ‘DAY’ how many people you appreciate daily? None!!  

At the end of this post I am sure you will make a habit of appreciating others which really helps you to grow your professional network and I guess you will see a change in your life. 

Sometimes we need to make others happy too.. (Not fake appreciation...)
Appreciating people is like giving a personal touch in one’s personal life or to make a professional contact. Yes, don’t you want to be appreciated from others?  Of course I do and same as others as well. 

Maya Angelou –says “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Yes, when you show a little appreciation towards others definitely it will make personal impact on them which keeps them in confidence and in motivating factor.

My personal experience: I almost lost in touch with my blog and times are there when I really want to stop writing blog.  After some days - A guy from Varanasi written a mail like this 

“I am reading your blog frequently. Nice. Keep writing”

(I felt like recharged with 1000 watts - LoL )

It is as simple as that – If you are working very hard to impress your boss, but he is not recognizing you and your work - which leads you to disappointment and less productivity. In case if your boss recognizes you and appreciated for the work you have done, this brings work satisfaction and more enthusiasm to work in future.  Is it making difference?  Yes it does.

“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention” said by– Richard Moss 

Always try to give attention for others hard work and to the efforts they made to be recognize.

Did you any time appreciated your mother for making a delicious food?

After a long time I visited home and my mother made a delicious vegetarian curry for lunch, while having I just praised and appreciated by saying – “I never get this taste anywhere in this world except if you made it -  so tasty mom I like it.” 

With that small appreciation, my mother doing the same delicious curry every time I go home!

What you have observed by above two examples?

If you gave heart full appreciation to somebody it will make them to repeat their interest again and again, which indirectly you are encouraging their success and passion in them. Similarly if you apply (Appreciation) to the customers in your business, it may be the appreciation for progress they made in their businesses or in their careers.. Whatever, then they always like to be with your partnership. 

Truly - appreciation will make a difference.

Today I am so thankful to all my readers who made my blog to reach this stage, particularly to Prof. Kuldeep who really thought me how to write an article with proper guidelines and his priceless words. I never forget the way he thought life lessons to the students.  He always has my gratitude. 

And mostly to my Dear M-11 batch, thank you so much for every ones support and contribution for making what I am now.

John F.Kennedy says “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them” 
Over to you: Looking forward to hear your feedback & comments. 

Have a blessed day

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